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SKIN-CREDIBLE I hid my psoriasis under make-up for six years – but CBD cannabis oil cured it in weeks

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12 Jun 2019,

Updated: 12 Jun 2019,


A SALES manager claims CBD oil has cleared her psoriasis in just a few weeks - and has shared incredible before and after pictures to prove it.

Sarah Kerr, 23, from Littleborough, near Rochdale, has been battling the skin condition - which causes red, itchy patches of skin to flake away - for six years.

Sarah hated her skin, which people would mistake for burns, and would slap on foundation to hide the red marks. But make-up only made it worse.

She told Fabulous Digital: "It doesn't look nice, I was always worried about wearing short sleeved tops because people always say 'oh have you burned yours arms?'

"It gets worse with stress and I have a stressful job, so I'd have bad flare-ups.

"At its worst, it covered about 15 per cent of my body. I had it down both sides of my nose, marks down the side of my face, my neck and my ears as well.


 Pictured four months ago, her skin was angry and inflamed
Pictured four months ago, her skin was angry and inflamedCredit: Sarah Kerr


 Now it's completely cleared up

Now it's completely cleared up

"I would always wear make-up to cover it, but that just made it worse.


"It just kept spreading. I tried creams prescribed by doctors and natural remedies like coconut oil - but nothing ever worked.


"That was when I literally felt like I would try anything."


Sarah started using cannabis oil by 1CBD in December and was amazed by the effect it had on her skin.

She said: "I noticed a difference within a month. I just pop one drop on my tongue and rinse it down with water.


"It took about four months to clear completely because it was bad at the time. But it's properly healed now, especially on my elbows.


"I've never had normal elbows and now I can see normal skin coming through - so it really works."


Sarah also credits the CBD oil with curing her anxiety, which was once so bad doctors banned her from using her car.


What are the benefits of CBD oil?

  • Cannabidiol is one of hundreds of cannabinoids that are extracted from hemp plants, mixed with oil.
  • It has no psychoactive properties and some forms of it recently became legal here in Britain.
  • Reported benefits include pain relief, relieving anxiety and depression, and anti-inflammatory properties - which could help combat skin problems like acne.
  • In Sarah's case, her psoriasis is stress-related, meaning the calming effect she's felt has probably contributed to clearing her skin.
  • Dr Nick Knight said: "There are many reported benefits of CBD oil. These include reducing anxiety, alleviating pain, reducing nausea, improving quality of life in those with chronic fatigue syndrome and helping to control rarer forms of childhood epilepsy.
  • "The fly in the ointment to all these is that they are all yet to accrue enough rigorous clinical evidence."
  • So more tests are needed before these benefits become facts in the eyes of the NHS.


She said: "Last year I started getting stress induced seizures, the doctors stopped me from driving and everything.


"I had panic attacks, paranoia, I was constantly crying, it was all stress induced.


"After two weeks of using CBD oil, I could notice a difference in myself. I now have no anxiety whatsoever, it's literally been a Godsend.


"I take one drop every other day now and I really notice a difference when I forget to take it.


"I've finally got my confidence back. I do worry about my anxiety coming back, but it's been amazing.


"It's had a really positive effect on my life in general."


Sarah's boyfriend Chris Fielding, a personal trainer, also uses the oil to aid recovery after the gym.

 Sarah's boyfriend Chris Fielding also uses CBD oil for fitness reasons

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