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Under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

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 Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.

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 Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:

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 Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.

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 Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:

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My FECO Journey - by Anne


Mar 24th 2020 Daily obstacle’s & ailments I suffer with having fibromyalgia: chronic body pain, chronic fatigue, muscle and joint stiffness, severe muscle spasms, major lack of energy, severe brain fog, hyperesthesia & hyperalgesia, as well as environmental sensitivity, concentration issues, insomnia, severe sleep apnea and irritable bowel syndrome “IBS”, and I’m at the mercy of Mother Nature every day.  I believe I’ve kept my Fibro somewhat under control with medical cannabis, I mean I’m in severe pain some days but most days I can function, I’ve had 3 pain free days in the last 15’s no life. I have days that are definitely better than others but believe me, nowhere near the quality of life I once had! Today I am feeling the benefits of gifted FECO, I love life.. I adore my friends & I love my family! Much Love


Mar 25th 2020


My Journey,


Today I am on day 7., I’m taking 1 rice size drop 3 times daily of FECO and feeling the benefits: I still feel different on the inside, my breathing is clearer, my body stiffness is not as intense,my sleep is better than it’s been in years & I feel refreshed when I wake. After taking my dose the past few days, I’m getting amazing pain relief for about 2 hours . Morning body stiffness was a lot weaker this morning...amazing!


However I believe my brain is struggling major OR I could just be that high.  E

ither way the brain fog is intense and I seem to be shutting off to things that just don’t matter.  

Feeling grateful, Much Love



Apr 2nd 2020


I’m amazed at what this FECO is doing for me in such a short time.



This is a long one .. putting it all out there because this FECO .. Is .. Working .. On many of my fibromyalgia issues!



“ADD: obstacle’s, ailments & my journey”



*2012: an abdominal ultrasound detected a large mass on the bottom of my left kidney, with four biopsies showing benign, I was told I may be able to live with this mass and never need surgery but decided to run a few more tests. After monitoring the mass for five months it was determined that it was growing fairly rapidly, although benign, I new my health was declining and figured better now, than later. I chose to undergo laparoscopic surgery in August 2012. Three weeks later I got the call: routine testing of the mass tested positive..a new form of cancer..”least invasive & slowest growing at the time”.



The situation: a tumour has been pulled from the bottom of my torso out a hole in my chest. My surgeon arranged a consultation with his colleagues, as he knew nothing of this form of cancer. It was determined we treat it as stage III & monitor my torso closely.



*February 2020 testing pulled up a scare, after further testing: there is an area on the large bowel of interest & I’m awaiting a PEP scan appointment.



*April 20, 2019: feeling violently ill and believing I was having heart issues & blackouts seizures for the past 12 hours, I went to the local hospital...I received a diagnosis from mild vertigo to severe. I purchased the medication they prescribed “no longer taking”.


*April 23 2019: I landed in the London Universty hospital, 4 days in the intensive care cardiac unit.....apparently out of the blue had torsade de pointes & long QT syndrome (at age 54 ) which essentially means my heart gets thrown out of rhythm in the bottom portion of my heart flutters and not able to pump! My hospital team shorten my QT’s, with 80mg of Nadolol, (beta blocker) taken once daily. Although this medication is keeping me alive right now, it has brought my heart rate down from “72” to between “38 & 42”, my blood pressure is literally all over the spectrum.. and my ass is growing daily as I have absolutely no energy. I also was implanted with an ICM “insertable cardiac monitor” at the top of my heart just under my skin, to date my heart is monitored 24/7.


I left the hospital feeling absolutely horrible, very weak, nauseous & scared outta my mind on what the hell had just happened. I had 9 appointments over the next 5 weeks, a prescription of nadolol, an implant and new to me; psoriasis & a weird rash that no one seemed concerned with but I was!


June 2019: London university cardiologist follow up appointment: in His words “I do not know what is going on, however I assure you it’s not torsade de pointes or long QT syndrome”.


I have since undergone two bouts of genetic testing, both with normal findings!


Nobody’s confirmed but it’s been mentioned several times that this issue could be fibromyalgia related!


PHEW with all that said.., that’s it.., my entire list of issues & ailments to date.




My Journey..
Today I am on day 15, for the past 7 days I’m dosing 4 times daily of rice size FECO. I am feeling so different inside & out.. my energy is picking up, sleep is restful, body stiffness is not as intense, bowel movements are much better ((TMI sorry but true)), breathing seems clearer & my vision is clearer.. What! yes, my vision is clearer! Psoriasis patches are improving and so is the weird rash! My pain relief has not changed much since adding the fourth dose however, I am getting roughly 2 hours relief with every dose.


The relief & benefits in just 2 weeks is beyond amazing, feeling hopeful!


Today I am blessed!
Much Love

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